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Meet Abdul Aziz Adamu, A WAA Cameroon Connector For Peace

Updated: Dec 9, 2020

“Empowering Youths For The Next Generation” WAA Cameroon

Under our Peace and Security program, WAA Cameron together with GPPAC is carrying out a project known as "Building Open Spaces For Youth Participation In Peace Building And Conflict Prevention In Cameroon". This project is funded by IFA ZIVIK and has as objective to build the capacities of youth leaders in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon in peace building, conflict resolution values and conflict prevention, and to equip young people with skills that will enable them to carry out community connectors for peace activities.

This project also empowers youths economically by training and providing them with seed money to start up Income Generating Activities as an alternative to gun violence in the North and South West Regions of Cameroon.

Building Peace in Cameroon by WAA Cameroon
“Empowering Youths For The Next Generation” WAA Cameroon

Meet Abdul Aziz Adamu, WAA Cameroon Connector for Peace effecting positive change in the North West Region of Cameroon.

Abdul Aziz Adamu was born in the Lake Nyos Resettlement Camp of Ukpwa, 8km away from Wum, Menchum Division of the North West Region in Cameroon and is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Communication and Development studies in the University of Bamenda. Coming from a minority in Cameroon with stringent cultures adamant to modernization, Aziz has been on a journey to break stereotypes and being in school is one of them.

With cognizance to where he comes from, Aziz fell the responsibility to engineer change in many aspects that hinder his people (especially women) from attaining good and quality education, reason why he has been relentlessly involved in Personal Development, Peace Building, Community Development to help him actualise the change he wants to see in his community.

Talking with WAA Cameroon, Abdul Aziz Adamu explains his vision and what he is up to right now.

Aziz in his own words:

What I really Enjoy about WAA Cameroon Programs.

I think firstly it's the Organization if her activities and the expertise, passion and availability of her Executive bureau. They are so approachable and accommodating especially during the training sessions. I have attended two of her workshops and all of them manifested to me the ideal Organization of like-minded and purpose driven individuals.

During the youth training on peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution organised by WAA Cameroon in the North West Region
During the youth training on peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution organised by WAA Cameroon in the North West Region

What Inspired me to be a Peace Builder.

I think from the onset I had those qualities in me, especially mediation and resolution and growing up to see the lack of energy and enthusiasm that young people especially from my Community show in promoting peace inspired me to take the challenge, especially as they are usually at the forefront of every Conflict.

What I do right now

I am really engaged in a lot of activities centered on the Development and Inclusion of young people. Currently, I run a Youth Led Organization that Promote the Actualisation localisation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with preference given to Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 5 (Gender Equality), Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).

With Quality Education, I run an E-learning platform, training young people on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Personal Development Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Gender Equality, Peace Building etc. Participants are certified and included in the implementation phase of what they have learned. We are currently taking the second cohort and working on the second implementation phase on Peace, Gender Equality and Climate Action.

For Peace building which is currently a need in Cameroon, I have participated in over 10 peace building workshops, and by giving back we have also organized one bringing together 25 young persons whom we trained and certified. Exclusively on awareness we have sensitized over 875 young people on the E-learning platform. Currently we are working on the second Implementation phase where we anticipate good number for attendance.

My Goal and what I want to achieve

Inherently, I feel the imperativeness to incorporate as many young people from the Mbororo-Fulani Community in Cameroon to actively engage in Community and National Development. Challenges like, early marriages for young girls and lack of education or incessant school drop out for boys is a hindrance. Therefore, my secondary goal is to change this rhetoric, so that young girls can pursue education to be whatever they want, likewise for the boys. With this, my vision to inclusion and engagements in exercising their Civic duties will be more feasible.

Personally, I intend to break these stereotypes and misconceptions retarding Development in my Community by reaching the Apex of the Educational ladder and actively engaging in Community Development activities through politics and Entrepreneurship.

Women in Alternative Action Cameroon (WAA Cameroon) works to promote communities free from gender-based violence, stigmatisation, discrimination, and exclusion of women, youth and girls in Cameroon and Central African sub-region.

​To donate or partner or volunteer with WAA Cameroon, please use the information below:

Phone: (+237) 677 487 667


Head office: Yaounde 3, Biyem-Assi, Street 7252

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